Raising the standards

Hair removal has been embraced by humans for thousands and thousands of years and yet it was the Egyptians who fully perfected the art of waxing. Similar to sugaring, waxing removes hair from the root however, the main difference between the two treatments is that wax is removed against the direction of hair growth as opposed to the sugaring technique which follows it.
Now very mainstream, waxing has become common practice – but not all waxes are created equal! There is a massive, almost overwhelming, range of products on the market, so much so that it can be tricky to know where to start. Which is why, here at Eve, we have done the hard work for our gorgeous clients and sourced the finest wax that perfectly compliments our ethos of using the best products that are gentle on you and gentle on the environment. Because of this, we exclusively use Lycon wax which is carefully created using only the purest resins, natural ingredients and aromatherapy oils. Renowned for being the most comfortable waxing system currently on the market, it delivers a superior performance – it can even remove hair as short as 1mm – yes, you read that right! Lycon is also 100% hygienic (no double dipping) and contains no plastic.
‘So how on earth does it work, this gentle, more comfortable waxing?’- we hear you say. Great question – before the wax is applied, a delicious nurturing pre wax oil is smoothed onto your skin. This creates a barrier between the skin and the wax – which in turn means that there is a 50% reduction in sensation. ‘But why does it lead to a reduction in sensation?’ – thanks for asking. Historically, the idea is that wax works because it sticks to the hair AND thus the skin – that eye watering feeling when the wax is removed has little to do with the hair follicle coming out, and a lot to do with the poor delicate skin being yanked. The barrier oil we apply means that the wax shrink wraps itself to the hair but cannot stick to the skin – seriously clever stuff. You can do your bit to support your skin by keeping it exfoliated and moisturised – this will help because the hair will be less inclined to any sneaky cheeky breakages.
The hot wax by Lycon is perfectly suited for intimate areas, with results lasting up to four weeks. The wax is suitable to be applied to all body hair and is perfect for even the most sensitive of skins. Not only is Lycon gentle, the waxes also smell gorgeous and will leave your silky smooth skin smelling as wonderful as it looks! It is important to us that the products we use align with our intention to be mindful caretakers of the environment. Lycon is a cruelty-free waxing system, and many of their products are also vegan friendly. We feel that by choosing to use their products, we are actively working to raise the standard of waxing in a very holistic way. Not only do we believe fully in the quality of Lycon, we also love that we are leaving no negative impact on the world when we use them.
If you’re keen to explore how our Lycon waxing treatments might work for you, we’d love to welcome you into the studio for a private, 1-2-1 consultation.